Experience...at a glance

  • Validated >$25 million in regulatory payments using SQL/Python
  • Spearheaded initiative to streamline 120+ reporting processes of ~$1 billion annually into a centralized framework
  • Partnered with >15 state/local regulators governing major metro areas (populations >500,000)
  • Diverse analytical experience in tightly regulated markets, including transit, fin-tech, asset management + banking
  • Myriad of business development + technical/policy consulting experience
  • LinkedIn GitHub

    Take a deep breath.

    Inhale. Exhale. It's been a crazy year for all of us, but everything's going to be okay. Since you're already here, why don't you stay awhile? Take a look at what I've been working on. If you feel so inclined, give me some feedback. Send me your sharpest critique. I'm always striving for better.
    Or perhaps, you stumble upon something of intrigue. Curious to learn more? Want to work with me? I'm genuinely honored. Let's link up.

    Maybe we can build something, together.

    My inbox is open

    in the spirit of agile development,

    this page is clearly under construction. a perennial work in progress.

    a button to nowhere

    some skills

    • Python

    • Excel

    • JavaScript

    • SQL

    • GitHub

    • Jupyter Notebook

    • Tableau

    • Cloud servers (AWS, Google)

    • HTML/CSS

    • Statistics

    • Reporting

    • Bird Watching


    Police Data Accessibility Project

    Police Data Accessibility Project

    Remote | April 2021 - Present

    Open-source initiative building a MySQL database as a trusted, complete source for easily-downloadable police data. Supporting processes for gathering/validating data via FOIA requests and scraper scripts

    Love Formula

    The Love Formula

    Irvine, CA | August 2020 - Present

    Collected survey responses via social media promo to develop a machine learning model that may predict relationship success, deployed Flask app to AWS Beanstalk

    Local Funding vs. Public Safety Indicators ETL

    Irvine, CA | June 2020 - Present

    Architected PostgreSQL database to house public data (Census, DOJ) pulled from open government portals

    COVID Dashboard

    Southern California COVID-19 Dashboard

    Irvine, CA | July 2020

    Interactive, analytical dashboard comparing COVID-19 infection rates across different counties in Southern CA